Monday, November 19, 2007

Low pay working at the book-face

One must feel sorry for those working in the UK book industry. Such is the penury in which most of them exist, they have created a group on the Facebook website called 'I work in publishing and I'm underpaid.' When I looked last month, there were nearly 800 members of this forlorn group, huddling together online for virtual warmth. How they must envy us here in Australia. No wonder so many of them come and work here.


Anonymous said...

Gladys are you kidding? That facebook group is just as relevant here as it is in the UK. Across all of the arts/entertainment industries in Australia, book publishing would have the lowest professional wages around. Get a clue

Anonymous said...

I think Gladys is kidding, mate!

Anonymous said...

I think you'll find there's a few Australian members of the facebook group...